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Viral Cat House

Viral Cat House Literary Magazines

Viral Cat was founded in 2008 in San Francisco, CA.

Viral Cat took root in a small studio apartment on Market St. With a mere $35 remaining in the bank, we drained our account and bought a shelter cat. Now broke, but with a cat, we half-listened to speeches by Arnold Schwartzennager blasting from loudspeakers at the Civic Center Plaza and drafted our first literary magazine.

Between bites of burritos from the Tenderloin, poetry readings at laundrymats in the Mission, and playwrites' parties in the Castro, a creative synergy took hold and we promised to cradle and nurse that fantastic, artistic spirit: contagious, impulsive, cerebral. Viral Cat has published over two hundred fiction authors, poets, artists, screenwriters, and filmmakers.

What We Publish




Art & Photography

