Submission Guidelines


For full-length manuscripts, we are looking for science fiction, fantasy, literary fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and short story collections. Please send a synopsis along with your manuscript. Preferred length is under 110,000 words. Payment rates include a small upfront payment and a percentage of sales.

Viral Cat also publishes poetry, short stories, artwork, screenplay excerpts, music, and film shorts as part of our online literary magazine.

PLEASE READ. THE FOLLOWING AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS: By submitting your work to the above email address, you are agreeing to transfer to Viral Cat and its owners and affiliates a non-exclusive, non-transferable, multi-use license to publish your submitted work. YOU WILL RETAIN ALL OTHER COPYRIGHTS AND MAY SUBMIT THE WORK FOR ANY FURTHER PUBLICATION. In the event you wish to revoke the non-exclusive multi-use license, please contact Viral Cat and your request will be granted only if you can demonstrate that you need to revoke in order to comply with another publication's copyright requirements. In the event you have revoked the license herein described and are submitting your work for further publication, you agree to mention your past publications by Viral Cat, if any. As valuable consideration for the transfer of rights herein, Viral Cat agrees to read each submission carefully in serious contemplation of publication. This is a time consuming task that constitutes sufficient consideration to make the described agreement(s) LEGALLY BINDING. Acceptance of your offer is effective upon your submission. Upon submission Viral Cat in no way guarantees publication, and reserves the right to decline publication without notice. Viral Cat reserves the right to make minor edits. All work published on Viral Cat's website or its other printed publications is the sole copyrighted property of the individual authors and Viral Cat. Any unauthorized storage, display, publication, reproduction, or any other use, for any purpose, is prohibited by Federal law.